Day 0: A Prologue
Prerequisite and Requirements
Welcome to 30 Days of Azure challenge site. There are no prizes when you complete this challenge. Aww…. Nonetheless things will start getting interesting, as the challenges won’t be easy (at least for beginners), and they are that by design. The daily challenges will always start off with the Challenge Statement, Prerequisite and Requirements, and Though Process section.
If you are interested, check out this section on why am I doing this
I will require you to have some specific technical knowledge before you begin, otherwise do spend some time learning about them online.
For Day 0, here are some requirements
- An Azure Account with valid subscription. You may sign up for a free trial subscription which comes with $200 free credit for 30 days. What can you do with 30 days? You just found the answer to the purpose of this site. Disclaimer: You might possibly exceed the $200 free credit following this guide, depending on the tier of services chosen.If you are looking for difficulty in normal to hard mode, try MSDN Benefits which entitles you to $150, $100 or $50 monthly credit. If you are looking for difficulty level: expert, go ahead and try this 30 days challenge with $25 free monthly credit by signing up for Visual Studio Dev Essentials. I won’t be providing solutions at this level, but this is plausibly achievable as Azure has a consistence history of reducing price on its services.